Allergy and Free From Show – Part 3: Scotch Eggs, American Pizza and English Crisps
This is the 3rd part of a four part series on the 2014 Allergy and Free From Show in London. You can read Part 1 and Part 2 for 6 more great GF brands.
Hotch Potch Eggs

Hotch Potch Eggs stand at the Allergy and Free From Show in London
Now for something completely different. Hotch Potch Eggs are scotch eggs with a twist. Made with gluten free pork mixed with a delicious range of locally sourced fresh ingredients including olives, sweet peppers, apricots these were so popular at the show there were none left by the time we got there but everyone else was raving about them. Selfridges have put an order in.
Find out more at, on Twitter at @HotchPotchEggs or on Facebook. Read the rest of this entry »