Allergy and Free From Show – Part 2: Corn Flakes, Welsh Cakes and Chocolate Pud
This is the 2nd part of a four part series on the 2014 Allergy and Free From Show in London. You can read Part 1 for 3 more great GF brands.
Rebelicious Foods

Rebelicious Foods stand at the Allergy and Free From Show in London
We spoke to the Fran O’Donaghue of Rebelicious Foods from Ireland. They do these lovely gluten free cereals in gorgeous packaging including cornflakes that really taste like corn (not cardboard). They’re cerealy tasty. (That’s their gag not mine!) The range also has puffed rice, buckwheat, museli, granola and porridge.
Priced at between £1.50 and £2.45, Rebelicious is available in Irish stores like Eurospar and Centra but the products are coming to the UK soon.
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