Coeliac Awareness Week 2013 – Gut Feeling Week

Gut Feeling Week
As I’m sure you know, this week is Coeliac Awareness Week 2013 and runs until this Sunday, May 19th. Coeliac UK have named it Gut Feeling Week and are focusing on the proper diagnosis of coeliac disease by encouraging more people to check their symptoms.
Their website has lots of useful information about the work they will be doing this week.
Check out some of the links below.
- Awareness Week 2013 – Gut Feeling Week
- Gut Feeling – how you can get involved
- Download your Gut Feeling toolkit
- Awareness Week special offers
Newburn Bakehouse research
The guys at Warburtons Newburn Bakehouse are also helping to support the campaign. They have conducted research within their Facebook community regarding the diagnosis of coeliac disease.
Some of the main points from the research are:
- 52% of people diagnosed with coeliac disease were originally misdiagnosed
- 63% of those people were misdiagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- 32% of people take over five years to be diagnosed
- 45% of people were diagnosed between the age of 26yrs – 45yrs, and stomach cramps and tiredness were their most common symptoms before diagnosis

Nutritionist Christine Bailey
So from this research it’s pretty clear that early and correct diagnosis is an issue that needs fixing. Let’s hope this week goes some way towards that.
Also to help support Coeliac Awareness Week, Warburtons have renowned nutritionist Christine Bailey taking part in a live Facebook Q&A on their Facebook Page this Friday at 2pm. So think of any questions you may have for her and I’ll join you there!
Have a great week!