Rizopia gluten free pasta now available on prescription

Rizopia Gluten Free Pasta made with Brown Rice
Now I don’t know about you but I always get nervous around brown gluten free pasta. It looks like that stuff in the old days that used to disintegrate into something resembling wallpaper paste the moment it got a sniff of a boiling pan of water.
Well, forget all that. Rizopia gluten free pasta made from organic brown rice and water cooks like a dream. Exactly like the ‘real thing’ in fact. And it feels substantial. So even if you have a small amount there’s a ‘meatiness’ to it that’s filling. Even better, it has a wonderful flavour. Almost nutty. No wonder it’s an award-winner at the Fresh From Food Awards. And as well as being gluten and wheat free it’s egg, milk, corn and nut free too. Read the rest of this entry »