Got a case of the snack attacks? You need a Snackly gluten free snack box!

Snackly Gluten Free Snack Box
Ooh we love trying new gluten free goodies. And we especially like trying new gluten free goodies that arrive by post mid afternoon when we’re fading fast and in need of a pick me up.
So hooray for Snackly. It’s a gluten free snack box delivery service run by a couple of gluten intolerant foodies Sami and Yas. All you do is sign up on the Snackly website (no minimum subscription) and for £7.95 every month they’ll send a box choc full of scrummy gluten free snacks to your office or home. And the snack box fits through a letterbox too so you don’t even have to be there to sign for it. Brilliant. Read the rest of this entry »